I’m sitting at the Kreuzberg Cafe in San Luis Obisbo enjoying my 2 week vacation and just wanted to spread the exciting news: I quit!

Last year the startup I co-founded (Bunk) was acquired by Apartment List. It was the greatest decision I ever made. And even though I was just an employee at Apartment List and no longer a business owner, it was the most rewarding period of my life. Bunk turned into the world’s first (and best) roommate matching app and our marketing efforts were featured in Huffington Post, TechCrunch, and dozens of other awesome publications. How freakin’ cool is that?
But as of May 1st my duties at Apartment List are officially over (aka: I quit).
You see, I’ve realized that starting a business and becoming an entrepreneur is the easiest it’s ever been in the history of the world. The barrier to entry is so low right now it’s not even funny. The best part is that San Francisco is the mecca of entrepreneurship. And since I live in this amazing city and am passionate about starting businesses I couldn’t think of single excuse to not start another company.
So here’s how I’ll be spending my time:
I’ve partnered up with Elizabeth Yin (founder of LaunchBit) and Eric Bahn (founder of BeatTheGMAT) to put on HustleCon, a ridiculously amazing conference focused on startup tactics for non-techies. HustleCon will be my #1 focus and priority. Next week I’ll write all about it, but if you fit in one of the 4 categories below then I suggest clicking here right now to sign up for HustleCon:
- You wanna do a startup but aren’t technical.
- You work at a startup and wanna learn some amazing marketing, sales, and MVP tactics.
- You’re a programmer and wanna learn more about sales and marketing.
- You enjoy being around ballers and wanna meet and learn from a ton of badasses.
Tickets go on sale on June 1st. Click here to be notified when the do.
Growing The Anti-MBA
The Anti-MBA is an AMAZING community of hustlers, entrepreneurs, innovators, and do-ers. We read a book a month and meet once a week in San Francisco to discuss the book, hold each other accountable, and help each other out. My focus for The Anti-MBA is to grow the meetups to other cities and create a more structured curriculum.
Learning a craft
I’m a firm believer that you MUST have a craft to have a successful career. Have you ever heard the phrase “jack of all trade, expert in none.” This is EXACTLY what I’ve become, which is not good. So I’ve decided to dedicate myself to learning the craft of copywriting. I’ll write later about why I chose copywriting and what I’ll be doing to educate myself.
Ok, my WiFi time at the Kreuzberg is about up but I need your help choosing this month’s book. Check out the options and email me back with the one you wanna read. The book with the most votes by Wednesday wins:
- The Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance – Robert Pirsig
- The Talent Code – Daniel Coyle
- The E-Myth Revisited – Michael Gerber
- The Art of Learning – Josh Waitzkin
Welp, gotta go – it’s beach time!
PS: Check out this Anti-MBA Directory…now everyone can stay in touch! Go ahead and fill it on out!

Good on you! You’re living the dream. And just like you said, its easier then ever to start your own business. I’m just curious. Are you set for live?
Appreciate the comment, Jay. I agree that social media is a great learning tool. I am always experimenting with it.