Why I Left Silicon Valley To Aimlessly Wander The Country On A Motorcycle

Spend a few hours riding around Colorado roads...it'll do ya some good.
Spend a few hours riding around Colorado roads…it’ll do ya some good.

Is this you?

Since you’re reading this, I’m gonna make a few assumptions about you:

  • You’re 21 to 35 years old with an entrepreneurial spirit
  • You make an alright living, but aren’t satisfied with your life.
  • You think there’s more to life than what you’re doing right now.
  • You wanna grow, live a meaningful life and most importantly, find what makes you happy.
  • You crave adventure and like learning but starting something new is scary and you’re not sure what the next step is.
  • You love puppies and sunshine.

Was I right!?

This blog had around 50,000 readers last month and I received hundreds emails from people just like you asking for advice on those topics.

But guess what?

I don’t have the answer.

First world freak out: I spent 200 miles on this road in Nevada without seeing another person and zero cell phone service.
First world freak out: I spent 200 miles on this road in Nevada without seeing another person and zero cell phone service.

Traveling to find myself

I’m just like you and am trying to figure this whole life thing out too.

The only difference between you and me is that I’m writing about it and am bombarding my Facebook followers with photos as I actively figure out what makes me happy. (Friend me here, but be warned: I own a selfie-stick and am not afraid to use it.)

You see, I’m healthy, happy, LOVE life, and live in beautiful San Francisco…so in the grand scheme of things of things I really can’t complain.

But I’m not satisfied. Not even close. And I’m trying to figure out what I wanna do with my life.

One thing that I DO know is that I refuse to passively settle down in a borrrrring 9-to-5 life and just hope the answer will come…cuz it won’t.

Spending alone time with my baby girl, Earth. The Great Smoky Mountains.
Spending alone time with my baby girl, Earth. The Great Smoky Mountains.

Fear Of Missing Out

And that, my good friend, is why I left my amazing dog, friends, and ridiculously cool gig in San Francisco to ride my motorcycle around the country.

I don’t have a final destination, nor a definite end time. I’m just embracing my inner hippie and going.

I don’t expect to have some wild drug induced epiphany and suddenly find the answer, but I do expect to figure out the next step with what I wanna do with my life.

Should I focus on Hustle Con? Spend all my cash traveling? Get a job so I can learn more?

I have NO idea. But I’m sure I’ll figure it out.

And until I do I’m gonna have the adventure of a lifetime traveling the country, meeting cool people, reading interesting books, eliminating useless noise, and being free.

You know, typical first world bullshit.

Because sometimes you just gotta leave it all behind, get out of your comfort zone, and figure shit out. Everything will be there when you get back. I promise.

Selfie sticks...never leave home without it.
Selfie sticks…never leave home without it. Colorado.

How’s it going so far?

I’m one month into my trip and I’ve never felt so alive. Every second riding has been an absolute blast. I’ll write an entire post about some of the things I’ve learned and the logistical stuff, in case you want to travel too and copy my ways, but here’s a brief list of things I’ve learned:

  1. Traveling is WAY cheaper than you think. I spend around $20-$60 per day.
  2. America is freakin’ HUGE and has every type of geography you can imagine.
  3. Poor people love lotto tickets
  4. The South has the most beautiful women in the country. Yeah, I said it.
  5. Traveling alone is exhilarating
  6. Honda makes the greatest motors on earth.
Where I've been so far.
Some of the places I’ve been so far.

Wanna follow along my journey?

Friend me on Facebook or shoot me an email at sam@samparr.com.

And enter your email below so you know when the next post is ready:


Not gonna lie...I couldn't find a shower so I just took a dip here and counted it as bathing. Yosemite.
Not gonna lie…I couldn’t find a shower so I just took a dip here and counted it as bathing. Yosemite.
Huge shout out to Trumaker shirts for hooking me up with some AMAZING gear.
Huge shout out to Trumaker for hooking me up with some AMAZING gear. Breckenridge.
Damn Colorado...you pretty.
Damn Colorado…you pretty.


Chasing waterfalls in Tennessee
Chasing waterfalls in Tennessee

PS: My dog is being taken care of by my badass roommates, who’ve been super helpful.

PPS: Huge shout out to Trumaker. I’m gonna write about this soon, but I’m a HUGEEE fan of these shirts and they were cool enough to help me out on my journey.


  1. I wonder what it would be like for someone who doesn’t have anywhere to go back to.

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