The Anti-MBA Book Club…is BACK!
NOTE: This was sent to my email subscribers. To join the book club you need to subscribe. To do that, enter your email on any form on the site. GOOD NEWS The A...
NOTE: This was sent to my email subscribers. To join the book club you need to subscribe. To do that, enter your email on any form on the site. GOOD NEWS The A...
A few months ago I was at a small entrepreneur conference, something I rarely go to. The event was invited only, which meant the quality of people were incredib...
Food for thought: I’ve been frustrated by some of the things happening in San Francisco and how the local government has been handling things. Because of ...
I think most people are HORRIBLE at measuring risk… I’ve been talking to a few people who want to leave their cushy and boring gigs to either: a) mo...
I just finished American Kingpin, the book about Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the Silk Road. It was an amazing book. I read it in one sitting, which I rarely d...
I’m sure each of us has ever thought about getting a loan when struggling with financial hardships. And indeed, when we have to pay for bills or cover une...
I’ve written about this before (both on this blog and The Hustle), but I was recently emailed with this question: what are the best business books that yo...
This is the first of a series of late night Facebook chats with our founders who I think are cool. This one is with my bud Mahbod, the founder of Rap Genius. &n...
Let’s get one thing perfectly clear: You’re reading these words because I want you to. The feelings you are feeling, the thoughts you are having, your rea...
I’m CRAZY strict about tracking my finances. I use to use Mint but hated the interface. So one day last year, after reading John Rockefeller’s biogr...