A style of men’s clothing that will never go out of style and why I think that’s cool.
And why I think you should dress this way (if you want to look great forever).
And why I think you should dress this way (if you want to look great forever).
I’m on a Ralph Lauren kick. The entrepreneur, not the brand (but I am also very into that, too!). One concept that he’s turned me onto: designing yo...
I know how money is made. Tens of millions, hundreds of millions, billions. I’ve studied it. And even made a little myself. The world of money making used...
I track my bodyweight and body fat like crazy. Here's what 10% to 15% looks like.
I’ve made a new project. It’s called Sam’s List. The concept is simple: its a website with reviews for accountants. Why? Because finding a goo...
This past weekend I had an experience that I thought I should document. I’ll look back at this post one day and be like hey, that was pretty cool. My comp...
This post is a look back on some of the highlights and lowlights of my 2023. I write these because I know they’ll be fun to review in a decade. And also b...
My new baby is about 3 weeks today. She’s our first child. I’m talking on the podcast today about my experience so far as it’s my first day ba...
Note: I wrote this post as therapy for myself. I just lost my dog, who I loved terribly. A post for my family and to Sid. I never cared about my legacy but this...
Two things I love: evil thrillers and money. I’m reading about the Sackler family. They popularized Oxycontin. They were horrible people. Horrible to thei...